Google’s Mobile Algorithm Update: Today Is The Big Day!

For those of you who were under a rock for the past few months, today (April 21st 2015 US time) is the day that one of Google’s biggest algorithm updates is due to be launched. Said to affect just searches on mobile devices but more websites than the Panda algorithm (12% of search queries) and the Penguin algorithm (3.1% of search queries) it is sure to be a big day in Google’s history and one that will leave unprepared SEO teams and small business owners facing a big loss of traffic and likely some tough questions. Continue Reading

How To Set Up & Launch Twitter Remarketing

Twitter has definitely been a slow mover in terms of creating and launching their own self service ads platform but the good news is that businesses in New Zealand can now run their own Twitter ads. There are a huge range of ad types and targeting you can use but the one I am most excited about is Twitter Remarketing. These ads give you the ability to market to people who have previously visited your website and who know your brand already which can be an incredibly targeted way to generate new customers or to push new offers to past customers. Setting up remarketing is an easy process, simply follow the steps below and you’ll be good to go.
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What Is Referrer Spam & How Can You Block It

If you constantly dig around in your Analytics software looking for opportunities and insights you have likely noticed referrer spam. Used for quite a long time but taken to a new level by a company called (which calls itself an SEO tool) essentially this method of ‘advertising’ is where your website is flooded with traffic from all different countries, IP addresses, devices and at different times during the week but all with the same website referrer. The hope of these spammers is that you will then notice the traffic in your analytics and investigate why the website is linking to you – to then convert to their service, or buy their product.

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29 Of The Greatest 404 Error Pages On The Internet

The dreaded 404 error. It is something that a large portion of internet users see on a daily basis with websites continually being updated and upgraded by careless webmasters who forget to set up redirects (despite great guides on how to launch a new website correctly like this one). With the rate of 404 errors so high you would think it would be a priority to optimise these pages for every website; though most simply leave their boring and uninspiring server or CMS error page up.
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