In order to increase your return on investment from online marketing, tracking is essential. By using tracking you can determine exactly which marketing sources are generating you sales or leads and then allocate budget and optimise accordingly. Unfortunately, tracking can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with online, with constant issues and parts breaking, not to mention that most tracking programs, whether internal or a third party, do not always exactly match each other.
Buying Expired Domain Names in New Zealand
Every day hundreds of domain names that were registered expire or are dropped, either because the business has closed, because the registrant didn’t wish to spend any more money on it, or by mistake. Once a domain name expires there is a ‘holding period’ of 90 days where the domain is placed in ‘pending release’ status and the registrant can renew the domain. During this time any website which is on the domain name will not work, giving anyone who has made a mistake time to re-register. After the holding period the registrar releases a list of all the expiring domain names on a given day which are then made available to be registered 48 hours later, on a first come first served basis.
Paid Advertising on Baidu
China is one of the largest consumer markets in the world with the e-Commerce sector rapidly growing with a projected growth to $81 billion in the next 5 years as disposable incomes increase. China is one of Australia & New Zealand’s biggest export markets and many retailers are actively attempting to expand into this market. It can be hard to get products or services in front of this captive audience of approximately 513 million users however, with one of the most effective ways I have found being Baidu.
What is Conversion Rate Optimisation?
Conversion Rate Optimisation or CRO has been a buzz word in online marketing recently with some promoted case studies sounding too good to be true (but which are actually true!). Hype aside however, CRO is extremely important for any online marketing strategy and should be a focus for any conversion focused company with a web presence.
How To Pick A Font For Your Website
One of the hardest aspects of creating a website can be deciding which font to use, and with thousands of options the choices can be overwhelming. However, this can be a straight forward process, with the first step being a decision between a serif font (each letter has small strokes/lines from the ends) or a sans serif font (simple and straight forward letters – like what you are reading now).