As an online business Expedia relies entirely on their website to drive revenue, with even small user experience issues having major potential costs. Expedia have a team of UX specialists and every part of their website is planned meticulously. However that doesn’t mean they stop trying to increase their conversion rate.
How To Increase Your Email Subscribers Dramatically
In 1978 Gary Thuerk dubbed the ‘Father of Spam’ sent a message promoting DEC machines (an early computer system) to 394 recipients which resulted in many sales and the start of email marketing as we know it. Since then, it has come a long way and forms the back bone of many successful online marketing strategies.
The biggest benefit of email marketing is ownership of your subscribers which allows you to continue marketing to them at a very low cost. However, building subscribers in the first place is hard. People are more hesitant than ever to put their email address into a form and there are many companies vying for attention. Buying lists are a no-go both legally and in the results they generate, so what do you do?
Case Study: Should You Use Animated Scrolling?
This article originally appeared on Web Profits blog.
Online marketing is a rapidly evolving industry with new trends popping up all the time. Knowing which ones are fads and which ones you should embrace is essential to maximising the performance of your campaigns.
One recent trend in design is the use of animated scrolling on websites and landing pages, where different elements of the page are animated as you scroll.
Getting Your Business On The Map… Literally
With global trends in mobile phone usage showing no signs of slowing it makes sense to do everything in your power to maximise your exposure on your prospects mobile phones. People frequently search for businesses close to them using either the iOS default app Apple Maps, or the android default app Google Maps. Getting your business on both of these maps can increase your visibility to customers and can even help your search engine rankings (on both a mobile device and your standard desktop results). Getting listed is surprisingly easy, just follow these steps.
Improving Your Adwords Lead Quality
When you are optimising and improving an Adwords campaign for an eCommerce site there are 3 main metrics which count; the cost per sale, number of sales and revenue generated. The main goal is to increase revenue and profit and this can be done purely from analysing your figures. With lead generation campaigns however, there is one variable which cannot be ascertained easily from data alone – lead quality. Whether you are a law firm only wanting large cases or your sales team are so busy you don’t want them wasting time on poor quality leads the same frustration applies, so how can you filter out and improve your lead quality?